Kharins Guide to Cataclysm Dailies

With the advent of Cataclysm – a whole new series of dailies has become available – not all of it restricted to 80+ toons.

The Cooking and Fishing

These dailies (similar to dailies in Dalaran and Shattrath) become available at level 10 in the capital cities of the Alliance and Horde  (with the exception of Exodar and Silvermoon).

Cooking Dailies

A Bunch of Lunch – a guide to the new Cataclysm cooking dailies in Darnassus, Ironforge, Thunderbluff and Undercity – including where to find the quest givers, tips on completing each daily, which quests give 2 cooking awards or 2 cooking skills, rewards and achievments.

Doing Lunch – a guide to the new Cataclysm Cooking Dailies in Stormwind and Orgrimmar- including where to find the quest givers, tips on completing each daily, rewards and achievments.

Fishing dailies

Other Fish in the Sea - a guide to the new Cataclysm Fishing Dailies in Darnassus, Ironforge, Thunderbluff and Undercity – including where to find the quest givers, tips on completing each daily, rewards and achievments and which quests give 2 fishing skill.

Gone Fishing – a guide to the new Cataclysm Fishing Dailies in Stormwind and Orgrimmar – including where to find the quest giver, tips on completing each daily, rewards, achievements and a brief guide on how to fish for those starting out in this profession.

Dailies are also available in the new Cataclysm level and are restricted to level 80+ and in some cases level 85+

  • Mount Hyjal

Molten Front Dailies

Opening the Portal – qualifying for the new Mount Hyjal Dailies

The Meek Shall Inherit Kalimdor – Regrowth & Ashen Fields Dailies

Into the Fire, On to the Spire – Progressing in the Molten Front (Furnace and Forlorn Spire Dailies)

  • Deepholm
  • Uldum

Nomarch Tenecth at the Tahret Grounds (the garden of date palms southeast of Ramkahen) gives Theiving Little Pluckers in which he asks you to smash 30 date stealing  Sand Pygmies with the Tahret Dynasty Mallet. Gives Ramkahen rep.

  • Tol Barad
  • Darkmoon Faire

Come one, Come all – a guide to the revamped Darkmoon Faire – new quests, dailies and rewards.

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