Kharin’s Seasonal Guides

Seasonal Events are festivals within the World of Warcraft that usually coincide with and are loosely related to different RL celebrations (Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc).  While some run for as little as a day (Day of the Dead, Pirates Day) most run over 1-2 weeks.  Seasonal events are often lots of fun, add a bit of variety and excitement to the Azerothian world, and provide the opportunity to gain experience, gold, reputation, titles, achievements, cool gear, items and companion pets.  Completing the nominated achievements and title of a series of seasonal events over a minimum of 11-12 months awards the Violet Proto-Drake which is an fast-epic flying mount.

The Kharin’s Guides on the  Seasons include:

The Lunar Festival

  • Honoring Ou Elders provides a guide on the lore, quests and achievements of the ten day long  Lunar Festival associated with Chinese New Year ( which  can occur anytime between January 21 and February 20 being tied to the Chinese  Lunar calendar.)
  • Lunar Firework Frenzy looks in depth at overcoming difficulties, especially latency issues, with Frenzied Firecracker and Rocket’s Red Glare achievements.
  • Where are Our Elders provides a guide to the location of the Elders in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, including the factional capitals, especially in repsonse to the changed position of some of the Elders with the release of cataclysm (under construction).
  • Elders in Danger gives the location of the Elders in the Dungeons (Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend) and the Elders of Northrend.

Love is in the Air

  • Love is in the Air provides a guide on the background, quests and achievements of this week long festival associated wtih Valentine’s Day (February 14) for 2010.
  • Dangerous Love is a more comprehensive and up to date guide for 2011.

Noble Garden

  • Noble Garden is a guide on the lore, background, quests and achievments of this week long festival associated with Easter (occurs anytime from end of March to the end of April) and the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

Children’s Week

  • For the Children a guide on the implications, quests and achievments of this week long festival celebrating children.

Mid-Summer Fire Festival

  • The Flames of Mid-Summer is a guide on the lore, background, quests and achievments of this two week long festival that occurs at the time of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
  • Where Are the Fires is the 2011 update on changes to the festival and location of the fires across new Azeroth and Outlands


  • Brewing up a Festival is a guide on the quests, dailies and achievements of  Brewfest.  Generally occuring at the end of September/beginning of October this festival is modelled on the German Oktoberfest.

All Hallow’s End

  • Guide not yet available.  All Hallow’s End is a 2 week festival associated with the American celebration of Halloween.

Pilgrim’s Bounty

  • Perilous Times to be a Pilgrim is a guide on the lore, background, quests, achievments and opportunity to increase cooking skills of this week long festival associated with the American celebration of Thanksgiving.

Winter Veil

  • Saving Winter Veil is a guide on the lore, background, quests and achievments of this two and half week long  festival associated with Christmas and the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice.
  • Carolling the Greench – changes to Winter Veil in 2011

What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been

Completing the majority of the achievements of the major seasonal events (with the exception of Pilgrim’s Bounty) completes the metaachievement What a Long Strange Trip It’s Beenand awards the Violet Proto-Drake AND master riding.

Other more minor festivals include the Day of the Dead (the day after All Hallows End finishes), Pirates’ Day (a day to dress up as a pirate), the week long Harvest Festival and the monthly week long Darkmoon Faire.

Come One! Come All! Be Amazed at the wonders of Darkmoon Faire gives a guide the recent changes including quests, dailies, achievements, mounts, pets and other rewards.  The Darkmoon is held for 7 days from the first Sunday of every month.

Calendar Dates of Festivals in 2012 (dates may change)

Lunar Festival – January 22 to February 11, 2012

Love is in the Air – February 5 to February 18, 2012

Noblegarden – April 8 to April 14, 2012

Children’s Week – April 29 to May5, 2012

Midsummer Fire Festival – June 21 to July 4, 2012

Harvest Festival – September 6 to September 13, 2012

Brewfest – September 20-October 5, 2012

All Hallow’s End – October 18- October 31, 2012

Pilgrim’s Bounty – November 18 to November 24, 2012

Winter Veil – December 15, 2012 to January 2, 2013


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